Giving You Peace of Mind During the Pandemic
The coronavirus outbreak has quickly spread across the globe. Millions of people and communities, including Oklahoma City, have been affected by the pandemic. While there is no need to panic, there is much cause for concern. Thousands of restaurants and retail stores have shut their doors, laying a massive amount of employees off of work. Unemployment has skyrocketed as more and more people hunker down inside of their homes to stay safe and decrease the spread of this deadly disease.
In order to stay safe, it is critical to practice social distancing and self quarantining. Avoid leaving your home unless it is a trip to the pharmacy or grocery store. While going to these public places, wear a mask, gloves, and maintain a distance of at least six feet between you and other people. Do not touch anyone and wash your hands as soon as you get home.
It’s also equally as important to know the warning signs of coronavirus. The symptoms are much like the common flu and can include:
- Fever or fatigue
- Respiratory issues
- Dry coughing
If you or a loved one is experiencing the following symptoms, you must get medical help immediately:
- Shortness of breath or breathing difficulties
- Pressure or pain in the chest
- Bluish lips or face
If you are diagnosed with this virus, you must stay at home and isolate yourself to the best of your ability. Stay in a different room from the rest of your family and, if possible, use a separate bathroom.
You may also want to get your home deep cleaned in order to further protect your loved ones. Thankfully, 911 Restoration of Oklahoma City would like to provide you the peace of mind that you need and deserve during this unprecedented time.
Our sanitization technicians thoroughly follow the CDC and EPA protocols and can deep clean your house down to the microscopic level, killing most germs and bacteria.
We know you’re scared. That’s why we’re here to help. Call us today to get your home sanitized and to stay safe.